Recap from the PHARMA TEST GROUP Asian Sales Seminar 2019 in Krabi, Thailand
Recap from the PHARMA TEST GROUP Asian Sales Seminar 2019 in Krabi, Thailand
Here are some impressions and a brief summary of the Pharma Test Group Asian Sales Seminar 2019 which was held in Krabi, Thailand from 26-28 February 2019 this time.

The focus of this year’s Asian Sales Seminar was on dissolution topics – including new (upcoming) releases like the PTWS 1420 or the PT-DR Dispersion Releaser – but also on some Galenic topics including introducing new and upcoming Pharma Test Galenic Instruments. Further topics were data integrity and applications for diode array spectroscopy. The demo instruments included the versatile J&M TIDAS® L with cell changer from the TIDAS® L series of diode-array spectrometers and the Pharma Test PTF 300 from the PTF series of tablet friability test instruments. Between the training on day 2 of 3 there was also enough time for a social event scheduled.
On the last training day Pharma Test also held a small award ceremony to acknowledge outstanding excellence from the distributing partners. The awarded companies were: Analytical Instruments (Sri Lanka), Matrix Analytical Technologies (Malaysia) and Dyne Trading Company (South Korea).

Pharma Test Award to Analytical Instruments (Pvt) Ltd, SRI LANKA for MOST DEDICATED NEW DISTRIBUTOR

Pharma Test Award to Matrix Analytical Technologies Sdn Bhd, MALAYSIA for EXCELLENCE IN MARKET DEVELOPMENT

Pharma Test Award to Dyne Trading Company, SOUTH KOREA for EXCEPTIONAL MARKET GROWTH