Detecting color change and contamination directly in the extruder.
Applications in Polymers
Detecting Color Change and Contamination Directly Inside the Extruder Using the J&M TIDAS P
The extrusion of polymers can activate degradation, which affects the performance and lifetime of the obtained product. This degradation is a consequence of exposure to high processing temperatures and to relevant mechanical stress.
Together with the SKZ in Würzburg, Germany J&M developed optical probes for extruders to monitor in-line, directly inside the extruder:
- Color change
- Contamination
- Humidity
- Degradation
The detection of color changes and contamination is very sensitive, and degradation is detected long before visual examinations show changes in the product quality. Color change is detected in the visible range, whilst humidity, contamination, and degradation are detected in the Near Infra-Red. The Extrusens Probe resists harsh environmental conditions like temperatures of up to 400°C and pressure of up to 500 bar.